April 5, 2025

The AMFA is excited to kick off the 2025 season with a bang. Our Opening Day is planned for Saturday, April 5th, where we expect to have hundreds of players and their families out to Exhibition Park to enjoy the festivities.  This year we have secured both indoor and outdoor facilities so all teams and players will be able to take part … even if Mother Nature is not on our side. We will confirm whether Opening Day will be indoors or outdoors the week of the event.

There will be games for little ones, a team parade, opening ceremony, awards presentations, used gear sale, AMFA clothing sale, and lunch.  Stick around after lunch and catch our showcase games. Circle April 6 on your calendar. We look forward to seeing you at the park!

Schedule of Events

Time Event
U7 and U9 Players arrive (coaches, please arrive at 8:45 to prepare).
Players should bring their helmets and gloves.
U7 & U9 Drills and team banner-making
C & Rep teams arrive at parade staging area (Outside = between diamond 1 and 4, Inside = pole barn). C teams who wish to make a team banner can.
Team Parade
Introductions and Opening Ceremonies
Players: Free pizza courtesy of Panago
Parents/families/friends: Wingerz Food truck will be on site.
Showcase games begin – schedule below.

Game Schedule

Time Matchup
12:45 pm

07A vs 09A – Diamond 1

07B vs 08B – Diamond 2

09B vs Coquitlam – Diamond 3

2013 Rep vs 2014 Selects

2:45 pm

07A vs 07B – Diamond 1

08B vs 09A – Diamond 2

09B vs Coquitlam – Diamond 3

11B vs 12B – Diamond 4

Other Attractions

Fun at the Field

Carnival-style games: Inflatable obstacle course, fastball speed pitch, etc.

Worked in, not worn out sale

Used gear sale (by donation). All funds received go to charity. Contact u13tsunami@gmail.com to donate!

Temporary Tattoo and Eyeblack station

Have you ever wanted to put on some eye black like the pros do? Here’s your chance!

AMFA Clothing Sale

Look the part at the park this season in some brand new AMFA gear!

The success of the Association and its events depends on the AMFA community’s contributions. We invite you to participate in this event, or others, as a volunteer. Volunteer sign-up here:




We hope for great weather, but should it rain, we will contact you prior to the event with any ammendments to the schedule.

AMFA Core Values