Become Involved & Volunteer

All successful non-profit organizations require and depend on volunteers. The AMFA relies on volunteers to run & help support our wonderful association for the benefit of our children. We are looking to our AMFA families to join us as we strive to create a positive environment on and off the field.

The Association is made up of many valuable contributors who generously give their time to improve the game. We have a variety of different roles that need to be filled every season, including but not limited to, opening ceremonies, managing our concession stands, helping with the field set up at tournaments, and year-round engagement opportunities in softball as an association executive.

In the past, we have required each AMFA family to provide a cheque to their team manager to be cashed should they not meet their minimum number of required volunteer hours. Starting in 2023, we looked to recognize and reward our community members for making positive contributions as a volunteer on and off the field. Each month, we will honour a “volunteer of the month” in our newsletter and social channels. At the end of the season, one Outlaws team and one House team will be rewarded with a team wind-up party based on the contributions the team and their family members have made to the AMFA and its events and initiatives through the season.

2024 Volunteers of the Year

Volunteer Questions & Answers

How many hours of association level volunteering do I have to complete if I have more than one child in the AMFA

We no longer collect cheques and mandate volunteerism. We would love each family to contribute 4 hours or more each season, regardless how many kids play from each family.

Is scorekeeping or field set up for my child’s team count towards my volunteer hours?

 No, team level volunteering does not count towards association level volunteering.

I need to cancel or change my volunteer time online? What do I do?

Please email the Volunteer Coordinator right away with your name and the date and time you need to cancel.  The Volunteer Coordinator will cancel your spot and then You need to register for the different date and time.  The Volunteer Coordinator cannot put you into another time slot- only cancel your spot.

What if there is a cancellation due to rain for my concession time?

We will try to notify you as early as possible the day of and you will be able to reschedule to a different day.  If the game is cancelled late, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you directly with options.

I am not able to work my volunteer shift/hours as I am sick or injured?

Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator directly with your inquiry.

Can I complete my 4 hours in one day, i.e. work 4 consecutive hours at the concession or at a tournament?

Yes you can. Just sign up online.

Can my daughter or son work my hours for me instead?

The AMFA volunteer program is designed for parents to help out the association and so we ask that only parents of the players volunteer.  If you have some specific issues or other related questions, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator directly with your inquiry.

Event Dates Sign Up
Opening Day
April 5, 2025
sign up coming soon
U7 & U9 Program
April 12 – June 19, 2025
discuss with your team manager
Challenger Ball Program
April – June 2025
discuss with your team manager
Spirit of the Game Tournament
May 9-11, 2025
sign up coming soon
District Playdowns
June 13-15, 2025
sign up coming soon
Year End Banquet
June 26, 2025
sign up coming soon
U13B Western Championship
August 7-10, 2025
sign up coming soon

If we have not addressed your specific question/inquiry, please do not hesitate to reach out. The AMFA understands parents are very busy and also there are specific circumstances that arise in the season, for which we can look at individually. We really appreciate your time and help with the AMFA volunteer program.

Darren Simpson
Vice President of Culture

AMFA Core Values